
The aims of the Society are:

  • to bring together people interested in history, including local history;
  • to encourage public interest in history; to encourage the study of history; and
  • to co-operate with other bodies having similar interests and aims.

Please join us if you share our aims, as a member or guest.

We are pleased to have the support of the Bishop’s Stortford Museum which is housed within South Mill Arts, 1-3 South Street, Bishop’s Stortford CM23 3JG.  In addition to housing a permanent collection and having an extensive archive of items of local interest, it also hosts a series of regular monthly Lunchtime Lectures, mostly on local history topics, and which may be of interest to members. 

Magazines and Journals

We subscribe to several magazines and journals and members may borrow them at meetings.  They include:

  • British Archaeology
  • Herts Past & Present (published by Herts Association for Local History)
  • Essex Journal

Officers of the Society

  • President: Bill Hardy
  • Chair: Tim Howard-Smith
  • Vice-Chair: Rob Francis
  • Secretary: Rob & Pauline Francis
  • Treasurer: Rob Francis
  • Committee: Pauline Francis (membership), Margaret Hutt (programme), Diane Faulkner (refreshments), Mike James, Chris Connell (website), vacancy

Registered Charity

The Society is a Registered Charity No: 299417. The trustees are: Rob Francis, Tim Howard-Smith, Pauline Francis and Margaret Hutt.

The website is hosted by Krystal. We are grateful to Krystal for providing this service free-of-charge.